========================================================================================== Cross-Year Region/Division Note to Users: This codebook is designed to match the distribution dataset. Codebook metadata are derived from the data collection instrument. If you have questions concerning codebook layout or content please bring them to the attention of the HRS staff at hrsquestions@umich.edu. Printing recommendation: Set margins (left/right/top/bottom) to .5 inch; print in portrait orientation using a mono-space 10-point font. ========================================================================================== Section A: CROSS-YEAR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (REGION/DIVISION) (Respondent) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identification number Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 43558 000001-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 25310 010. Person number 1519 011. Person number 81 012. Person number 3 013. Person number 13080 020. Person number 412 021. Person number 31 022. Person number 1 023. Person number 1201 030. Person number 85 031. Person number 9 032. Person number 2 033. Person number 1699 040. Person number 108 041. Person number 14 042. Person number 3 043. Person number ========================================================================================== STUDY STUDY MEMBERSHIP Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Study membership is based on the entry cohort of the individual. This will differ from the birth cohort for age-ineligible spouses or partners. ................................................................................. 13872 1. HRS 8429 11. AHEAD, including the AHEAD-AHEAD overlap case 110 12. HRS/AHEAD Overlap case, AHEAD, given to AHEAD after HRS Wave 1 [1992/1993], appeared in AHEAD 24 13. HRS/AHEAD Overlap case, given to AHEAD after HRS Wave 1 [1992/1993], but never appeared in AHEAD 2464 21. CODA (Children of the Depression Age) 2887 31. WB (War Babies) 5198 41. EBB (Early Baby Boomers) 5578 51. MBB (Mid Baby Boomers) 4996 61. LBB (Late Baby Boomers) ========================================================================================== FIRSTIW FIRST INTERVIEW: STUDY YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First Interview/Study Year: This variable includes both exit proxies and core interviews. Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 12652 1992. First interview was HRS Wave 1 [1992/1993] 8116 1993. First interview was AHEAD Wave 1 [1993/1994] 104 1994. First interview was HRS Wave 2 [1994/1995] 107 1995. First interview was AHEAD Wave 2 [1995/1996] 204 1996. First interview was HRS Wave 3 [1996/1997] 5103 1998. First interview was HRS 1998 [1998/1999] 270 2000. First interview was HRS 2000 [2000] 232 2002. First interview was HRS 2002 [2002/2003] 3477 2004. First interview was HRS 2004 [2004/2005] 208 2006. First interview was HRS 2006 [2006/2007] 143 2008. First interview was HRS 2008 [2008/2009] 6442 2010. First interview was HRS 2010 [2010/2011] 332 2012. First interview was HRS 2012 [2012/2013] 1 2013. First interview was HRS 2013 [2012/2013] 178 2014. First interview was HRS 2014 [2014/2015] 4559 2016. First interview was HRS 2016 [2016/2017] 181 2018. First interview was HRS 2018 [2018/2019] 172 2020. First interview was HRS 2020 [2020/2021] 1077 9996. Has not yet given an interview ========================================================================================== AIWTYPE 1992 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 1992 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 12652 1. Core interview obtained 381 5. Core interview not obtained 30525 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== BIWTYPE 1993 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 1993 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 8222 1. Core interview obtained 139 5. Core interview not obtained 35197 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== CIWTYPE 1994 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 1994 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 11420 1. Core interview obtained 1357 5. Core interview not obtained 176 11. Exit interview obtained 56 15. Exit interview not obtained 30549 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== DIWTYPE 1995 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 1995 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 7027 1. Core interview obtained 528 5. Core interview not obtained 775 11. Exit interview obtained 75 15. Exit interview not obtained 35153 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== EIWTYPE 1996 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 1996 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 10964 1. Core interview obtained 1656 5. Core interview not obtained 234 11. Exit interview obtained 49 15. Exit interview not obtained 21. Post-exit interview obtained 1 23. Post-exit interview not administered in this wave 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 30654 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== FIWTYPE 1998 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 1998 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 21384 1. Core interview obtained 2370 5. Core interview not obtained 1254 11. Exit interview obtained 194 15. Exit interview not obtained 243 21. Post-exit interview obtained 23. Post-exit interview not administered in this wave 56 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 18057 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== GIWTYPE 2000 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2000 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 19577 1. Core interview obtained 2661 5. Core interview not obtained 1348 11. Exit interview obtained 227 15. Exit interview not obtained 359 21. Post-exit interview obtained 23. Post-exit interview not administered in this wave 61 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 19325 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== HIWTYPE 2002 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2002 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 18166 1. Core interview obtained 2393 5. Core interview not obtained 1501 11. Exit interview obtained 255 15. Exit interview not obtained 486 21. Post-exit interview obtained 23. Post-exit interview not administered in this wave 30 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 20727 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== JIWTYPE 2004 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2004 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 20129 1. Core interview obtained 2503 5. Core interview not obtained 1227 11. Exit interview obtained 126 15. Exit interview not obtained 465 21. Post-exit interview obtained 23. Post-exit interview not administered in this wave 28 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 19080 99. Not in this wave ========================================================================================== KIWTYPE 2006 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2006 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 18469 1. Core interview obtained 2306 5. Core interview not obtained 1310 11. Exit interview obtained 180 15. Exit interview not obtained 147 21. Post-exit interview obtained 10 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 21136 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== LIWTYPE 2008 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2008 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 17217 1. Core interview obtained 2242 5. Core interview not obtained 1330 11. Exit interview obtained 140 15. Exit interview not obtained 118 21. Post-exit interview obtained 9 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 22502 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== MIWTYPE 2010 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2010 interview type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 22034 1. Core interview obtained 2488 5. Core interview not obtained 1446 11. Exit interview obtained 253 15. Exit interview not obtained 134 21. Post-exit interview obtained 4 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 17199 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== NIWTYPE 2012 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2012 Interview Type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 20554 1. Core interview obtained 2509 5. Core interview not obtained 1189 11. Exit interview obtained 220 15. Exit interview not obtained 150 21. Post-exit interview obtained 8 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 18928 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== OIWTYPE 2014 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2014 Interview Type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 18747 1. Core interview obtained 2782 5. Core interview not obtained 1242 11. Exit interview obtained 298 15. Exit interview not obtained 142 21. Post-exit interview obtained 12 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 20335 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== PIWTYPE 2016 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2016 Interview Type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 20912 1. Core interview obtained 3874 5. Core interview not obtained 1311 11. Exit interview obtained 333 15. Exit interview not obtained 121 21. Post-exit interview obtained 24 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 16983 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== QIWTYPE 2018 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2018 Interview Type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 17146 1. Core interview obtained 5890 5. Core interview not obtained 981 11. Exit interview obtained 493 15. Exit interview not obtained 114 21. Post-exit interview obtained 45 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 18889 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== RIWTYPE 2020 INTERVIEW TYPE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 2020 Interview Type Source: Cross-Wave Tracker File ................................................................................. 15723 1. Core interview obtained 5541 5. Core interview not obtained 1266 11. Exit interview obtained 622 15. Exit interview not obtained 116 21. Post-exit interview obtained 28 25. Post-exit interview not obtained 20262 99. Not in the sample this wave ========================================================================================== BORNUS BORN IN US Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Were you born in the United States? Source: Baseline Interview ................................................................................. 36665 1. Yes 5700 5. No 660 9. Place of birth unknown 533 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== REGIONB CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF BIRTH Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division in which respondent was born (Based on baseline interview answer to "In what state were you born?") Source: Baseline Interview (See B003M in the Core codebook and B076_/B003_ in questionnaire Section B) ................................................................................. 1694 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 5616 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 6710 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 3479 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6677 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 3490 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 4246 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1335 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 2528 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 115 10. US, NA State 87 11. Puerto Rico; Other US Territory 674 98. DK, NA 5700 99. Foreign country 1207 Blank. Never interviewed ========================================================================================== REGLIV10 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION WHERE LIVE WHEN IN SCHOOL Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 In what [Census Region/Division] did you live most of the time you were (in grade school/in high school/about age 10)? Source: Baseline Interview (See B047M in the Core codebook and B078_/B047_ in questionnaire Section B) ................................................................................. 1666 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 5377 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 6657 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 3078 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6311 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 2900 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 3835 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1355 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3283 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 5 10. US, NA State 279 11. Puerto Rico; Other US Territory 39 98. DK, NA 2695 99. Foreign country 6078 Blank. Never interviewed; respondent "has always lived around here"; respondent was not interviewed (or gave a partial interview) when the question was first asked (1995 for AHEAD cohort, 1996 for HRS cohort) ========================================================================================== REGION92 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 1992 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 1992. ................................................................................. 467 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 1768 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 1989 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1056 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 3245 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 815 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 1268 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 514 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 1510 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 6 99. Foreign Country 30920 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION93 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 1993 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 1993. ................................................................................. 360 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 1205 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 1423 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 590 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 2058 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 352 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 916 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 303 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 1024 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 99. Foreign Country 35327 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION94 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 1994 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 1994. ................................................................................. 468 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 1743 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 1983 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1038 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 3264 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 836 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 1287 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 547 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 1478 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 1 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 8 99. Foreign Country 30905 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION95 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 1995 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 1995. ................................................................................. 370 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 1219 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 1449 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 619 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 2076 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 357 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 927 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 331 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 1033 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 1 99. Foreign Country 35176 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION96 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 1996 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 1996. ................................................................................. 466 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 1740 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 1993 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1041 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 3302 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 850 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 1310 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 575 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 1489 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 6 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 15 99. Foreign Country 30771 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION98 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 1998 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 1998. ................................................................................. 1045 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 3357 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 4113 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 2008 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6388 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1419 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2635 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1146 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3023 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 6 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 26 99. Foreign Country 18392 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION00 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2000 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2000. ................................................................................. 993 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 3208 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3929 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1938 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6083 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1414 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2520 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1122 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 2897 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 9 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 40 99. Foreign Country 19405 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION02 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2002 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2002. ................................................................................. 937 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2935 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3683 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1866 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5750 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1331 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2389 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1081 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 2772 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 14 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 42 99. Foreign Country 20758 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION04 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2004 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2004. ................................................................................. 1019 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 3028 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 4006 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1986 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5858 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1443 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2557 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1341 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3140 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 13 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 56 99. Foreign Country 19111 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION06 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2006 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2006. ................................................................................. 920 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2727 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3651 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1839 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5350 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1352 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2377 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1299 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 2821 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 11 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 71 99. Foreign Country 21140 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION08 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2008 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2008. ................................................................................. 834 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2539 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3425 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1714 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5037 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1295 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2244 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1236 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 2651 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 10 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 70 99. Foreign Country 22503 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION10 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2010 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2010. ................................................................................. 968 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 3251 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3972 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1818 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6226 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1638 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 3087 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1589 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3723 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 11 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 75 99. Foreign Country 17200 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION12 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2012 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2012. ................................................................................. 894 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2952 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3740 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1681 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5787 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1547 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2909 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1510 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3515 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 10 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 82 99. Foreign Country 18931 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION14 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2014 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2014. ................................................................................. 855 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2764 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3465 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1579 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5463 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1474 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2740 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1455 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3324 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 10 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 93 99. Foreign Country 20336 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION16 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2016 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2016. ................................................................................. 971 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2930 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3740 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1749 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6535 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1788 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 3120 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1791 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3837 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 8 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 101 99. Foreign Country 16988 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION18 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2018 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2018. ................................................................................. 871 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2695 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3416 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1606 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 6099 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1680 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2905 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1724 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3552 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 9 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 108 99. Foreign Country 18893 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== REGION20 CENSUS REGION-DIVISION OF RESIDENCE 2020 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Census Region/Division of Residence: Based on respondent address information (state) for 2020. ................................................................................. 819 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) 2500 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY,NJ,PA) 3232 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH,IN,IL,MI,WI) 1472 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN,IA,MO,ND,SD,NE,KS) 5744 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE,MD,DC,VA,WV,NC,SC,GA,FL) 1603 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY,TN,AL,MS) 2760 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR,LA,OK,TX) 1672 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT,ID,WY,CO,NM,AZ,UT,NV) 3381 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA,OR,CA,AK,HI) 8 11. Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories and Puerto Rico) 98. DK, NA; U.S. state NA 101 99. Foreign Country 20266 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== MOVE9294 MILES MOVED 1992-1994 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best HRS cohort 1992 (Wave 1) - 1994 (Wave 2) Moves: Distance moved in statute miles.Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 12488 0 2558.55 18.4544 143.8581 31070 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE9496 MILES MOVED 1994-1996 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best HRS cohort 1994 (Wave 2) - 1996 (Wave 3) Moves: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 12375 0 2685.56 19.8763 146.3892 31183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE9698 MILES MOVED 1996-1998 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best HRS cohort 1996 (Wave 3) - 1998 Moves: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 12246 0 2716.19 18.1892 138.415 31312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE9395 MILES MOVED 1993-1995 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best AHEAD cohort 1993 (Wave 1) - 1995 (Wave 2) Moves: Distance moved in statute miles.Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 8225 0 2526.12 17.9237 138.9887 35333 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE9598 MILES MOVED 1995-1998 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best AHEAD cohort 1995 (Wave 2) - 1998 Moves: Distance moved in statute miles.Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 7568 0 2539.72 21.0173 148.3595 35990 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE9800 MILES MOVED 1998-2000 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 1998 - 2000 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from both ZipCode centroids (1998) and Address centroids (2000). ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 23924 0 3064.31 17.4394 138.2065 19634 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE0002 MILES MOVED 2000-2002 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2000 - 2002 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 22497 0 2700.53 20.792 146.8012 21061 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE0204 MILES MOVED 2002-2004 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2002 - 2004 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 20778 0 4969.81 20.7369 151.6704 22780 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE0406 MILES MOVED 2004-2006 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2004 - 2006 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 22168 0 2701.65 22.5896 157.6501 21390 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE0608 MILES MOVED 2006-2008 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2006 - 2008 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 20844 0 4881.98 17.4481 139.9262 22714 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE0810 MILES MOVED 2008-2010 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2008 - 2010 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 19495 0 4454.19 17.7073 141.8391 24063 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE1012 MILES MOVED 2010-2012 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2010 - 2012 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 24344 0 4872.19 17.1022 143.7104 19214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE1214 MILES MOVED 2012-2014 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2012 - 2014 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 22950 0 2841.72 16.2961 133.4672 20608 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE1416 MILES MOVED 2014-2016 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2014 - 2016 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 21434 0 4711.56 22.5686 165.397 22124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE1618 MILES MOVED 2016-2018 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2016- 2018 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 24366 0 4711.22 17.9027 144.9772 19192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== MOVE1820 MILES MOVED 2018-2020 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: Best 2018- 2020 moves for all cohorts: Distance moved in statute miles. Latitude and longitude values used in this calculation are derived from address centroids. ................................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Min Max Mean SD Miss 23012 0 4913.64 18.3392 142.8337 20546 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_92 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1992 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 5561 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 3616 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 3455 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 6 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30920 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_93 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1993 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 3810 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 2345 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 2075 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35327 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_94 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1994 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 5464 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 3636 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 3543 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 10 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30905 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_95 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1995 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 3864 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 2394 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 2123 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35176 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_96 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1996 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 5447 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 3678 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 3636 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 26 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30771 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_98 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1998 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10959 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 7178 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6988 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 41 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18392 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_00 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2000 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10333 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6925 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6827 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 68 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19405 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_02 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2002 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 9541 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6683 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6510 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 66 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20758 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_04 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2004 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10270 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 7127 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6969 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 81 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19111 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_06 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2006 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 9204 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6532 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6593 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 89 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 21140 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_08 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2008 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 8630 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6108 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6235 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 82 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 22503 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_10 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2010 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11923 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 7290 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 7055 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 90 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 17200 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_12 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2012 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11112 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6869 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6548 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 98 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18931 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_14 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2014 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10450 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6534 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6131 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 107 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20336 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_16 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2016 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12387 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 7386 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6681 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 116 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 16988 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_18 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2018 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11461 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6834 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 6240 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 130 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18893 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE1993_20 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2020 (BEALE 1993) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 1993 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10841 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 0) 6465 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 1,2) 5868 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 118 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20266 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_92 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1992 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6304 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2639 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3684 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 11 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30920 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_93 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1993 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 4183 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 1827 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 2218 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 3 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35327 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_94 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1994 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6209 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2667 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3760 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 17 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30905 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_95 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1995 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 4241 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 1887 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 2251 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 3 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35176 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_96 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1996 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6223 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2704 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3828 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 32 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30771 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_98 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1998 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12350 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5419 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 7343 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 54 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18392 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_00 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2000 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11703 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5203 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 7167 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 80 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19405 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_02 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2002 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10947 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4962 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6813 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 78 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20758 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_04 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2004 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11804 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5254 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 7300 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 89 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19111 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_06 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2006 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10651 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4808 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6860 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 99 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 21140 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_08 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2008 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10011 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4482 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6468 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 94 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 22503 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_10 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2010 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13641 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5295 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 7320 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 102 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 17200 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_12 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2012 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. Information on the Rural-Urban Continuum Code is available in the following USDA report: Rural-Urban Continuum Codes for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 1993. By Margaret A. Butler and Calvin L. Beale. Agriculture and Rural Economy Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Staff report No. 9425, September 1994. ................................................................................. 12749 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4953 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6816 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 109 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18931 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_14 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2014 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12063 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4648 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6390 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 121 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20336 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_16 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2016 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 14420 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5105 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6920 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 125 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 16988 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_18 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2018 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13375 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4745 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6407 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 138 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18893 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2003_20 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2020 (BEALE 2003) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2003 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12668 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4483 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6018 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 123 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20266 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_92 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1992 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6304 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2848 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3480 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 6 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30920 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_93 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1993 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 4196 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 1953 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 2081 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35327 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_94 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1994 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6217 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2896 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3530 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 10 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30905 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_95 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1995 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 4256 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2012 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 2113 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35176 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_96 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1996 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6234 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2940 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3587 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 26 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30771 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_98 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1998 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12390 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5837 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6903 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 36 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18392 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_00 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2000 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11748 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5598 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6742 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 65 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19405 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_02 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2002 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11001 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5342 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6395 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 62 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20758 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_04 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2004 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11867 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5736 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6774 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 70 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19111 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_06 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2006 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10720 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5247 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6369 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 82 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 21140 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_08 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2008 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10073 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4904 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5996 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 82 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 22503 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_10 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2010 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13715 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5885 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6669 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 89 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 17200 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_12 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2012 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12827 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5539 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6167 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 94 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18931 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_14 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2014 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12140 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5207 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5772 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 103 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20336 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_16 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2016 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 14492 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5721 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6246 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 111 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 16988 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_18 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2018 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13435 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5317 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5788 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 125 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18893 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2013_20 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2020 (BEALE 2013) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2013 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12738 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5023 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5420 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 111 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20266 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_92 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1992 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6764 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2485 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3383 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 6 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30920 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_93 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1993 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 4434 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 1696 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 2100 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35327 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_94 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1994 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6683 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2533 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3428 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 9 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30905 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_95 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1995 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 4492 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 1761 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 2128 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 35176 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_96 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1996 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 6696 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 2588 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 3483 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 20 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 30771 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_98 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 1998 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13201 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5135 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6800 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 30 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18392 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_00 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2000 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12525 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4937 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6635 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 56 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19405 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_02 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2002 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11732 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4735 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6285 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 48 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20758 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_04 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2004 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12687 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5042 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6661 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 57 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 19111 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_06 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2006 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 11444 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4621 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6282 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 71 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 21140 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_08 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2008 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 10747 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4334 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5904 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 70 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 22503 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_10 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2010 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 14567 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5133 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6582 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 76 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 17200 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_12 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2012 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13628 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4824 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6091 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 84 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18931 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_14 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2014 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 12891 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4534 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5704 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 93 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20336 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_16 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2016 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 15256 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 5032 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 6179 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 103 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 16988 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_18 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2018 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 14123 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4709 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5717 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 116 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 18893 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== BEALE2023_20 HRS URBAN-RURAL CODE 2020 (BEALE 2023) Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This code is based on the 2023 Beale Rural-Urban Continuum Code, collapsed to preserve respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................. 13376 1. Urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 1) 4452 2. Suburban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum code 2) 5361 3. Ex-urban (Beale Rural-Urban Continuum codes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 103 9. No match for Rural-Urban code 20266 Blank. Not interviewed this wave ========================================================================================== RESCODE92 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-92 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave A (1992) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Centroid information that is not based on street address will be less precise than information based on ZIP code. ................................................................................. 6 0. None 11224 1. Street 1408 2. Zipcode 3. City 30920 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE94 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-94 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave C (1994) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Centroid information that is not based on street address will be less precise than information based on ZIP code. ................................................................................. 9 0. None 11385 1. Street 1259 2. Zipcode 3. City 30905 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE96 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-96 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave E (1996) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Centroid information that is not based on street address will be less precise than information based on ZIP code. ................................................................................. 20 0. None 11758 1. Street 1009 2. Zipcode 3. City 30771 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE93 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-93 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave B (1993) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Centroid information that is not based on street address will be less precise than information based on ZIP code. ................................................................................. 1 0. None 7614 1. Street 616 2. Zipcode 3. City 35327 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE95 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-95 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave D (1995) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Centroid information that is not based on street address will be less precise than information based on ZIP code. ................................................................................. 1 0. None 7878 1. Street 503 2. Zipcode 3. City 35176 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE98 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-98 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave F (1998) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Centroid information that is not based on street address will be less precise than information based on ZIP code. ................................................................................. 30 0. None 23650 1. Street 1486 2. Zipcode 3. City 18392 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE00 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-00 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave G (2000) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 56 0. None 22893 1. Street 1204 2. Zipcode 3. City 19405 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE02 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-02 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave H (2002) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 48 0. None 21783 1. Street 969 2. Zipcode 3. City 20758 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE04 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-04 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave J (2004) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 57 0. None 23677 1. Street 713 2. Zipcode 3. City 19111 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE06 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-06 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave K (2006) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 71 0. None 21910 1. Street 437 2. Zipcode 3. City 21140 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE08 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-08 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave L (2008) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 70 0. None 20661 1. Street 324 2. Zipcode 3. City 22503 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE10 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-10 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave M (2010) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 76 0. None 25966 1. Street 316 2. Zipcode 3. City 17200 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE12 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-12 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave N (2012) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 84 0. None 24234 1. Street 309 2. Zipcode 3. City 18931 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE14 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-14 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave O (2014) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 93 0. None 22855 1. Street 274 2. Zipcode 3. City 20336 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE16 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-16 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave P (2016) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 103 0. None 26115 1. Street 351 2. Zipcode 1 3. City 16988 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE18 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-18 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave Q (2018) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 116 0. None 24203 1. Street 343 2. Zipcode 3 3. City 18893 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== RESCODE20 LAT/LNG MATCH ON STREET/ZIP/CITY-20 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Wave R (2020) Address information from which latitude/longitude centroid values were generated. Note: Move distances calculated using street address centroid information are more precise than those derived from centroids based on Zipcode or City. ................................................................................. 103 0. None 22509 1. Street 680 2. Zipcode 3. City 20266 Blank. Not interviewed this wave; missing ========================================================================================== VERSION VERSION NUMBER OF THIS DATA SET Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Version number of this data set. ................................................................................. 43558 92. August 2024 ==========================================================================================