Documentation Database Codebook Generator (v1.1) 06/28/2005 ========================================================================================== HHIDPN HRS HOUSEHOLD ID PN NUMBER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 65 Type: Character Width: 9 Decimals: 0 HRS HOUSEHOLD ID PN NUMBER ................................................................................ 12652 000001010-099587010. HRS Household ID and Person Number ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 66 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 HRS Household Identifier ................................................................................ 12652 000001-099587. HRS Household Identifier ========================================================================================== PN PERSONAL NUMBER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 67 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 HRS Person Number ................................................................................ 12652 010-040. HRS Person Number ========================================================================================== ASUBHH 1992 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 68 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 1992 Sub-Household Identifier ................................................................................ 12652 0. 1992 Sub-Household Identifier ========================================================================================== V3620X IMP (H12:INCLUDED IN PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 69 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H12. Were you included in a pension or retirement plan, or in any tax-deferred savings plan, when you worked for (that employer/yourself)? ................................................................................ 2846 1. Yes 92 3. Pension followed R to CURR/LAST job (edited) 3392 5. No 6322 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3620T TYPE:IMP(H12:INCLUDED IN PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 70 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 24 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 12 3. Replaced 12616 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3621X IMP (H13:WHAT PLN WAS THIS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 71 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H13. (RB, TOP OF P.8) I would like to know what type of plan this was. In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service, and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you. Was your plan Type A or Type B? ................................................................................ 1909 1. Type A 780 2. Type B 155 3. Type Both 9808 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3621T TYPE:IMP(H13:WHAT PLN WAS THIS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 72 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 18 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 173 3. Replaced 12461 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3622X IMP (H13A:$-ACCT LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 73 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 H13a. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 154 Nmiss: 12498 Min: 1 MAX: 1000000 Mean: 70714.45 ========================================================================================== V3622T TYPE:IMP(H13A:$-ACCT LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 74 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 30 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12622 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3623X IMP (H14:EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 75 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H14. Do you expect to receive benefits from this plan in the future, are you receiving benefits now, did you get a cash settlement when you left, did you lose your benefits, or what? H14A. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS User note: Do not probe but check all that apply and ask all ppropriate follow-up questions. If more than 1 box is checked, follow the skips for the first box marked. ................................................................................ 548 1. Checked 1516 5. Not Checked 10588 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3623T TYPE:IMP(H14:EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 76 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 31 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12621 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3624X IMP (H14:RCVNG BENEFITS N) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 77 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H14B. RECEIVING BENEFITS NOW ................................................................................ 645 1. Checked 1419 5. Not Checked 10588 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3624T TYPE:IMP(H14:RCVNG BENEFITS N) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 78 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 31 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 3 3. Replaced 12618 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3625X IMP (H14:RCVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 79 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H14C. RECEIVED CASH SETTLEMENT ................................................................................ 604 1. Checked 1460 5. Not Checked 10588 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3625T TYPE:IMP(H14:RCVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 80 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 31 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 3 3. Replaced 12618 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3626X IMP (H14:ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 81 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H14D. ROLLED OVER INTO IRA ................................................................................ 31 1. Checked 2033 5. Not Checked 10588 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3626T TYPE:IMP(H14:ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 82 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 31 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12621 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3627X IMP (H14:LOST BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 83 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H14E. LOST BENEFITS ................................................................................ 299 1. Checked 1765 5. Not Checked 10588 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3627T TYPE:IMP(H14:LOST BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 84 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 31 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12621 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3628X IMP (H14:OTHER) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 85 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H14F. OTHER (SPECIFY) ................................................................................ 3 1. Checked 21 2. Transferred to new employer 2 3. Waived pension benefits in exchange for other compensation 3 4. Decision on benefits pending 2035 5. Not Checked 10588 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3628T TYPE:IMP(H14:OTHER) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 86 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 33 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12619 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3635X IMP (H14A:AMOUNT RCVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 87 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 H14e. How much did that amount to? ................................................................................ N: 604 Nmiss: 12048 Min: 46 MAX: 1000000 Mean: 17829.38 ========================================================================================== V3635T TYPE:IMP(H14A:AMOUNT RCVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 88 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 93 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 19 3. Replaced 12540 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3637X IMP (H14G:AMOUNT ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 89 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 H14g. How much did that amount to? ................................................................................ N: 31 Nmiss: 12621 Min: 2000 MAX: 1000000 Mean: 60845.84 ========================================================================================== V3637T TYPE:IMP(H14G:AMOUNT ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 90 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 4 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12648 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3643X IMP (H18: ACCT, LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 91 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 H18. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 780 Nmiss: 11872 Min: 0 MAX: 750000 Mean: 19494.61 ========================================================================================== V3643T TYPE:IMP(H18: ACCT, LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 92 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 188 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12464 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3644X IMP (H19:WHT DO $ WHN LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 93 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 H19. When you left that employer, did you withdraw the money, roll it over into an IRA, leave it to accumulate in your old plan, convert it to an annuity, or what? User note: Do not probe but if more than one response given, check Box 7 and record all details. ................................................................................ 28 01. Transferred to new employer 131 02. Rolled over into IR 169 03. Left to accumulate 20 04. Convert to annuity 150 51. Cash settlement--spent 58 52. Cash settlement--saved or invested (exc. 54) 27 53. Cash settlement--paid debts or bills 3 54. Cash settlement--rolled over into IRA 143 55. Cash settlement--NA what R did with the money 5 91. Decision pending; pension rights not yet settled 37 92. Lost benefits 9 97. Other [Please describe fully] (incl. all combinations) 11872 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3644T TYPE:IMP(H19:WHT DO $ WHN LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 94 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 17 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12635 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3645X IMP (H19A:$ ACCT NOW) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 95 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 H19a. How much is in your account now? ................................................................................ N: 300 Nmiss: 12352 Min: 0 MAX: 808000 Mean: 43204.38 ========================================================================================== V3645T TYPE:IMP(H19:$ ACCT NOW) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 96 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 116 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12536 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3708X IMP (H28:1ST:KND PEN/RET PLN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 97 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H28. (RB, TOP OF P. 8) I would like to know what type of pension or retirement plan you had. In some plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service, and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you. Was your plan Type A or Type B? ................................................................................ 522 1. Type A 168 2. Type B 28 3. Type Both 11934 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3708T TYPE:IMP(H28:1ST:KND PEN/RET PLN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 98 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 209 3. Replaced 12443 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3709X IMP (H28A:1:$ IN ACCT WHN LFT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 99 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 H28a. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 28 Nmiss: 12624 Min: 0 MAX: 60000 Mean: 11014.29 ========================================================================================== V3709T TYPE:IMP(H28A:1:$ IN ACCT WHN LFT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 100 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 11 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12641 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3710X IMP (H29:1:EXPCT FUTUR BENFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 101 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H29. Do you expect to receive benefits from this plan in the future, are you receiving benefits now, did you get a cash settlement when you left, did you lose your benefits, or what? H29A. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS User note: Check all that apply and ask all appropriate follow-up questions. If more than 1 box is checked, follow the skips for the first box marked. ................................................................................ 116 1. Checked 434 5. Not Checked 12102 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3710T TYPE:IMP(H29:1:EXPCT FUTUR BENFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 102 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 51 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12601 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3711X IMP (H29:1:RCVNG BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 103 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H29B. RECEIVING BENEFITS NOW ................................................................................ 68 1. Checked 482 5. Not Checked 12102 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3711T TYPE:IMP(H29:1:RCVNG BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 104 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 51 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 7 3. Replaced 12594 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3712X IMP (H29:1:RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 105 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H29C. RECEIVED CASH SETTLEMENT ................................................................................ 182 1. Checked 368 5. Not Checked 12102 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3712T TYPE:IMP(H29:1:RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 106 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 50 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 7 3. Replaced 12595 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3713X IMP (H29:1:ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 107 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H29D. ROLLED OVER INTO IRA ................................................................................ 2 1. Checked 548 5. Not Checked 12102 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3713T TYPE:IMP(H29:1:ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 108 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 50 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12602 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3714X IMP (H29:1:LOST BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 109 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H29E. LOST BENEFITS ................................................................................ 150 1. Checked 400 5. Not Checked 12102 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3714T TYPE:IMP(H29:1:LOST BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 110 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 50 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12602 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3715X IMP (H29:1:OTHER) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 111 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H29F. OTHER (SPECIFY:) ................................................................................ 6 1. Checked 43 2. Transferred to new employer 0 3. Waived pension benefits in exchange for other compensation 0 4. Decision on benefits pending 501 5. Not Checked 12102 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3715T TYPE:IMP(H29:1:OTHER) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 112 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 51 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12601 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3722X IMP (H29E:1:AMOUNT RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 113 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 H29e. How much did that amount to? ................................................................................ N: 182 Nmiss: 12470 Min: 87 MAX: 80000 Mean: 7036.92 ========================================================================================== V3722T TYPE:IMP(H29E:1:AMOUNT RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 114 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 56 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 38 3. Replaced 12558 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3724X IMP (H29G:1:AMOUNT ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 115 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 H29g. How much did that amount to? ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 12650 Min: 1000 MAX: 35000 Mean: 18000. ========================================================================================== V3724T TYPE:IMP(H29G:1:AMOUNT ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 116 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12652 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3730X IMP (H33:1:$ IN ACCT WHN LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 117 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 H33. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 168 Nmiss: 12484 Min: 40 MAX: 292000 Mean: 7601.03 ========================================================================================== V3730T TYPE:IMP (H33:1:$ IN ACCT WHN LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 118 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 60 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12592 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3731X IMP (H34:1:WHT DO $ -LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 119 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 H34. When you left that employer, did you transfer your account to a new employer, roll it over into an IRA, leave it to accumulate in your old plan, convert it to an annuity, or what? User note: If more than one response given, check Box 7 and record all details. ................................................................................ 11 01. Transferred to new employer 13 02. Rolled over into IR 27 03. Left to accumulate 3 04. Convert to annuity 50 51. Cash settlement--spent 9 52. Cash settlement--saved or invested (exc. 54) 7 53. Cash settlement--paid debts or bills 0 54. Cash settlement--rolled over into IRA 34 55. Cash settlement--NA what R did with the money 0 91. Decision pending; pension rights not yet settled 13 92. Lost benefits 1 97. Other [Please describe fully] (incl. all combinations) 12484 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3731T TYPE:IMP (H34:1:WHT DO $ -LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 120 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 2 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12650 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3732X IMP (H34A:1:$ ACCT NOW) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 121 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 H34a. How much is in your account now? ................................................................................ N: 40 Nmiss: 12612 Min: 0 MAX: 304000 Mean: 36631.25 ========================================================================================== V3732T TYPE:IMP(H34A:1:$ ACCT NOW) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 122 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 19 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12633 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3808X IMP (H36:NXT:TYPE PEN/RET PLN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 123 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H36. (RB, TOP OF P. 8) I would like to know what type of pension or retirement plan you had. (In some plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service, and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you.) Was your plan Type A or Type B? ................................................................................ 126 1. Type A 44 2. Type B 6 3. Type Both 12476 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3808T TYPE:IMP (H36:NXT:TYPE PEN/RET PLN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 124 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 19 3. Replaced 12633 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3809X IMP (H36A:NXT:ACCT WHN LFT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 125 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 H36a. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 6 Nmiss: 12646 Min: 1000 MAX: 8000 Mean: 5875.17 ========================================================================================== V3809T TYPE:IMP (H36A:NXT:ACCT WHN LFT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 126 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12651 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3810X IMP (H37:NXT:EXPCT FUTUR BENFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 127 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H37. Do you expect to receive benefits from this plan in the future, are you receiving benefits now, did you get a cash settlement when you left, did you lose your benefits, or what? H37A. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS User note: Check all that apply and ask all appropriate follow-up questions. If more than 1 box is checked, follow the skips for the first box marked. ................................................................................ 14 1. Checked 118 5. Not Checked 12520 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3810T TYPE:IMP(H37:NXT:EXPCT FUTUR BENFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 128 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12642 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3811X IMP (H37:NXT:RCVNG BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 129 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H37B. RECEIVING BENEFITS NOW ................................................................................ 6 1. Checked 126 5. Not Checked 12520 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3811T TYPE:IMP(H37:NXT:RCVNG BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 130 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 15 3. Replaced 12627 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3812X IMP (H37:NXT:RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 131 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H37C. RECEIVED CASH SETTLEMENT ................................................................................ 42 1. Checked 90 5. Not Checked 12520 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3812T TYPE:IMP(H37:NXT:RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 132 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 15 3. Replaced 12627 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3813X IMP (H37:NXT:ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 133 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H37D. ROLLED OVER INTO IRA ................................................................................ 2 1. Checked 130 5. Not Checked 12520 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3813T TYPE:IMP(H37:NXT:ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 134 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12642 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3814X IMP (H37:NXT:LOST BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 135 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H37E. LOST BENEFITS ................................................................................ 49 1. Checked 83 5. Not Checked 12520 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3814T TYPE:IMP(H37:NXT:LOST BENEFITS) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 136 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12642 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3815X IMP (H37:NXT:OTHER) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 137 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H37F. OTHER (SPECIFY:) ................................................................................ 4 1. Checked 14 2. Transferred to new employer 0 3. Waived pension benefits in exchange for other compensation 0 4. Decision on benefits pending 114 5. Not Checked 12520 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3815T TYPE:IMP(H37:NXT:OTHER) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 138 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12642 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3822X IMP (H37E:1:AMOUNT RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 139 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 H37e. How much did that amount to? ................................................................................ N: 42 Nmiss: 12610 Min: 200 MAX: 100000 Mean: 10991.55 ========================================================================================== V3822T TYPE:IMP(H37E:1:AMOUNT RECVD CASH SETTL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 140 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 11 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 21 3. Replaced 12620 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3824X IMP (H37G:1:AMOUNT ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 141 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 H37g. How much did that amount to? ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 12650 Min: 8000 MAX: 8000 Mean: 8000. ========================================================================================== V3824T TYPE:IMP(H37G:1:AMOUNT ROLLED OVER INTO IRA) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 142 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 1 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12651 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3830X IMP (H41:NXT:$ IN ACCT WHN LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 143 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 H41. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 44 Nmiss: 12608 Min: 300 MAX: 40000 Mean: 9768.18 ========================================================================================== V3830T TYPE:IMP(H41:NXT:$ IN ACCT WHN LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 144 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 22 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12630 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3831X IMP (H42:NXT:WHT DO $ -LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 145 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 H42. When you left that employer, did you transfer your account to a new employer, roll it over into an IRA, leave it to accumulate in your old plan, convert it to an annuity, or what? User note: If more than one response given, check Box 7 and record all details. ................................................................................ 8 01. Transferred to new employer 4 02. Rolled over into IR 7 03. Left to accumulate 0 04. Convert to annuity 12 51. Cash settlement--spent 1 52. Cash settlement--saved or invested (exc. 54) 0 53. Cash settlement--paid debts or bills 0 54. Cash settlement--rolled over into IRA 9 55. Cash settlement--NA what R did with the money 0 91. Decision pending; pension rights not yet settled 3 92. Lost benefits 0 97. Other [Please describe fully] (incl. all combinations) 12608 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3831T TYPE:IMP(H42:NXT:WHT DO $ -LFT EMPL) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 146 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 4 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12648 4. Original ========================================================================================== V3832X IMP (H42A:NXT:$ ACCT NOW) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 147 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 H42a. How much is in your account now? ................................................................................ N: 11 Nmiss: 12641 Min: 0 MAX: 100000 Mean: 28354.55 ========================================================================================== V3832T TYPE:IMP(H42A:NXT:$ ACCT NOW) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 148 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 2 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12650 4. Original Codebook complete