Documentation Database Codebook Generator (v1.1) 06/28/2005 ========================================================================================== HHIDPN HRS HOUSEHOLD ID + PN NUMBER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 137 Type: Character Width: 9 Decimals: 0 HRS HOUSEHOLD ID PN NUMBER ................................................................................ 11596 000001010-099587010. HRS Household ID and Person Number ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 138 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 HRS Household Identifier ................................................................................ 11596 000001-099587. HRS Household Identifier ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 139 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 HRS Person Number ................................................................................ 11596 010-040. HRS Person Number ========================================================================================== CSUBHH 1994 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 140 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 1994 Sub-Household Identifier ................................................................................ 11596 0-3. 1994 Sub-Household Identifier ========================================================================================== W7123X IMP (H12.PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 141 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H12. Were you included in a pension or retirement plan, or in any tax deferred savings plan, when you worked for (that employer/ yourself)? ................................................................................ 21 1. Yes 11 5. No 11564 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W7123T TYPE:IMP(H12.PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 142 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W7124X IMP (H13.TYPE PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 143 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H13. I would like to know what type of plan this was. In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service, and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you. Was your plan Type A or Type B? ................................................................................ 5 1. Type A 15 2. Type B 1 3. Both A & B 11575 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W7124T TYPE:IMP(H13.TYPE PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 144 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W7153X IMP (H18.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 145 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 H18. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 15 Nmiss: 11581 Min: 400 MAX: 18000 Mean: 5673.33 ========================================================================================== W7153T TYPE:IMP(H18.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 146 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 5 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11591 4. Original ========================================================================================== W7155X IMP (H19A.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 147 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 H19a. How much is in your account now? ................................................................................ N: 7 Nmiss: 11589 Min: 9000 MAX: 18000 Mean: 12857.14 ========================================================================================== W7155T TYPE:IMP(H19A.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 148 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 5 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11591 4. Original ========================================================================================== W7166X IMP (H28.TYPE PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 149 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 H28. I would like to know what type of pension or retirement plan you had. IF FIRST EMPLOYER: In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service, and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you. IF SECOND EMPLOYER: In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service, and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you. Was your plan Type A or Type B? ................................................................................ 3 1. Type A 0 2. Type B 0 3. Both A & B 11593 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W7166T TYPE:IMP(H28.TYPE PENSION PLAN) Section: H Level: Respondent Reference: 150 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 2 3. Replaced 11594 4. Original Codebook complete