Documentation Database Codebook Generator (v1.1) 2/15/2003 ========================================================================================== HHIDPN HRS HOUSEHOLD ID AND PN NUMBER Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 79 Type: Character Width: 9 Decimals: 0 HRS Household ID and Person Number ................................................................................ 10964 000002010-099564010. HRS Household ID and Person Number ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 80 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 HRS Household Identifier ................................................................................ 10964 000002-099564. HRS Household Identifier ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 81 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 HRS Person Number ................................................................................ 10964 010-040. HRS Person Number ========================================================================================== ESUBHH 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 82 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 1996 Sub-Household Identifier ................................................................................ 10964 0-5. 1996 Sub-Household Identifier ========================================================================================== E3378X IMP (GH18. AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT WHEN LEFT) Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 83 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 GH18. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? AMOUNT ................................................................................ N: 4 Nmiss: 10960 Min: 0 MAX: 2700 Mean: 675. ========================================================================================== E3378T IMP-TYPE(GH18. AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT WHEN LEF) Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 84 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 2 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10962 4. Original ========================================================================================== E3379X IMP (GH19.DISPOSITION OF PENSION) Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 85 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 GH19. When you left that employer, did you transfer your account to a new employer, roll it over into an IRA, leave it to accumulate in your old plan, convert it to an annuity or what? DO NOT PROBE, BUT IF MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE GIVEN, ENTER 7 - OTHER, AND RECORD ALL DETAILS. ................................................................................ 0 1. Transferred to new employer 0 2. Rolled over into IRA 2 3. Left to accumulate 0 4. Convert to annuity 2 5. Withdrew money and spent it 0 7. Other 10960 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E3379T IMP-TYPE(GH19.DISPOSITION OF PENSION) Section: GH Level: Respondent Reference: 86 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10963 4. Original Codebook complete