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Data Alerts
- View the Data Alerts page for notices of errors, corrections, or problems in HRS early and final public data releases and associated documentation.
Data Products
Choose a category to view descriptions and documentation for downloadable HRS data.
HRS Survey Data: Biennial, off-year, and cross-year data products.
RAND HRS Products: User-friendly products created from HRS data by the RAND Center for the Study of Aging.
HRS Sensitive Health Data: Sensitive health data files available for download after a supplemental agreement is signed.
Genetic Data Cross-Reference: Cross-reference files to link HRS data to the HRS genetic data stored in the dbGaP and NIAGADS systems, available for download after a supplemental agreement is signed.
Contributed Projects: Products (unsupported by the HRS) provided by researchers sharing their work. Includes replication packages and Gateway HRS products.
Cognitive Economics Study Data: These data products are hosted here on behalf of the Cognitive Economics Project, but are not derived from HRS data.
Special Access Downloads: If you have been granted access to Sensitive Health, HRS-dbGaP, or other special access download files, they will be listed on this page.