2003 Internet Survey

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In December 2002, a sub-sample of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) participated in an Internet based survey developed jointly by the HRS, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research (ISR), at the University of Michigan and the RAND Corporation. The National Institute on Aging at NIH (R01 AG020638) provided funding for the 2003 Internet Survey. The 2003 Internet Survey Final Release (Version 1.0) questionnaire contained several different topical areas including Internet/computers, health problem, disability and work limitations, numeracy items, psychosocial items, expectations, and questions about housing/checking accounts, and stocks. Many of the questions were taken from the HRS survey, the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and from the Current Population Survey (CPS). Completed interviews were obtained from 2,197 HRS respondents.

Product Details

Latest Release
Jan 2007 (Final V1.0)
Entry Cohort Info

Subset of 2002 sample

Field Dates

Dec 2002 - Oct 2003

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