2016 Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP) Respondent and Informant Data

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The Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol is a substudy within the ongoing Health and Retirement Study (HRS). It is part of the HCAP Network, an ongoing international research collaboration funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) that seeks to measure and understand dementia risk by collecting a carefully selected set of established cognitive and neuropsychological assessments and informant reports to better characterize cognitive function among older people. HCAP collects data from the target respondent and a knowledgeable informant.

The 2016 HCAP Final data release includes three data files that are released as two separate data products as described below:

Respondent and Informant Data

Respondent and Informant Data contain diagnostic categorizations based on a diagnostic algorithm, sampling weights, imputations and edits to the data to make them better harmonized to other HCAP studies. The data and documentation available for the data product are provided below.

Summary Cognitive and Functional Measures Data

Summary Cognitive and Functional Measures Data includes factor scores and additional cognitive performance and functional performance measures and the dementia algorithm diagnostic variable found in the HCAP 2016 Respondent and Informant data file. See the 2016 HCAP Summary Cognitive and Functional Measures Data product page for data and documentation.

Product Details

Latest Release
Sep 2024 (Final V2.0)
Entry Cohort Info

Random selection of 5,500 (26%) of the 2016 HRS Panel, age 65+

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