Cross-Wave Consumption and Activities Mail Survey (CAMS) Weights

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There are two sample weights for each wave of the HRS CAMS (2001 - 2021): a household-level weight and a respondent-level weight. The household weight should be used for analyses of items that are measured at the household level in the survey, namely questions about household spending. The respondent weight should be used for analyses of respondent level items, specifically the activity measures.

Product Details

Latest Release
Apr 2024 (Final V1.0)
Entry Cohort Info

HRS: R born 1931-1941;
AHEAD: R born 1923 or earlier;
CODA (Children of Depression): R born 1924-1930;
WB (War Baby): R born 1942-1947;
EBB (Early Boomers): R born 1948-1953;
MBB (Mid Boomers): R born 1954-1959;
LBB (Late Boomers): R born 1960-1965

Longitudinal Reference

2001 - 2021

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