Cross-wave Lifecourse Experiences of Adversity and Trauma Aggregated Data

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The Cross-wave Lifecourse Experiences of Adversity and Trauma aggregated data were created using retrospective reports provided by HRS respondents or their proxy in different waves of biennial core panel interviews from 2006 to 2012 in the Psychosocial and Lifestyle Questionnaires and in 2019 in off-years Life History Mail Surveys. All information has previously been released for public use separately. The data file contains 40 variables and includes 22,212 respondents. There are nine items about childhood experiences of adversity (before age 18), such as quality of relationship with mother, trouble with police, and parents’ use of drugs; and 14 items about lifecourse traumas and major experiences of discrimination. Individuals are identified using the HRS household identifier HHID and the person identifier PN. These variables can also be used to merge the Lifecourse Experiences of Adversity and Trauma data to all other parts of the HRS. Additional information about an aggregation process and measures is provided in the Data Description document for this data product.

Product Details

Latest Release
Jul 2024 (Version 1.0)
Entry Cohort Info

HRS: R born 1931-1941;
AHEAD: R born 1923 or earlier;
CODA (Children of Depression): R born 1924-1930;
WB (War Baby): R born 1942-1947;
EBB: R born 1948-1953;
MBB: R born 1954-1959;
LBB: R born 1960-1965

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