Cross-Wave Prospective Social Security Wealth Measures of Pre-Retirees 1992-2020

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The Cross-Wave Prospective Social Security Wealth Measures of Pre-Retirees data set consists of respondent-level Social Security benefits wealth estimates constructed using the HRS survey data as well as SSA's administrative records.

This release replaces all other public-use Social Security benefits wealth data products released by the HRS, and includes the following changes:

  1. This file now covers all waves of the study, instead of just the baseline waves.

  2. Wealth measures in earlier waves are re-calculated based on newly available linked Social Security earnings records as of the 2020 wave.

Product Details

Latest Release
Mar 2024
Updated Through
HRS Wave 2020
Entry Cohort Info

HRS (1992), WB (1998), EBB(2004), MBB (2010), and LBB (2016)

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