The Cross-Wave Prospective Social Security Wealth Measures of Pre-Retirees data set consists of respondent-level Social Security benefits wealth estimates constructed using the HRS survey data as well as SSA's administrative records.
This release replaces all other public-use Social Security benefits wealth data products released by the HRS, and includes the following changes:
This file now covers all waves of the study, instead of just the baseline waves.
Wealth measures in earlier waves are re-calculated based on newly available linked Social Security earnings records as of the 2020 wave.
Product Details
Latest Release |
Mar 2024
Updated Through | HRS Wave 2020 |
N | 32,531 |
Entry Cohort Info | HRS (1992), WB (1998), EBB(2004), MBB (2010), and LBB (2016) |
Data Alerts |
No data alerts found for this product. |
Documentation |
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