Designed to enhance the user's ability to use pension information from various jobs reported by respondents in up to seven waves of the Health and Retirement Study. This data set is especially useful to users interested in analyzing respondents' pension history, current coverage, and pension wealth at each of the survey years. There is one data file for each of the seven waves. For each wave, information from previous pensions is brought forward to the current wave.
Product Details
Latest Release |
Jan 2007
(Ver 1.0)
N | 1992: 12652; 1994: 11596; 1996: 10964; 1998: 21384; 2000: 19580; 2002: 18167; 2004: 20129 |
Entry Cohort Info | HRS: 1992-1996; All: 1998-2004 |
Longitudinal Reference | HRS: 1992-1996; All: 1998-2004 |
Data Alerts |
No data alerts found for this product. |
Documentation |
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