2004 HRS Core (Final Release, Version 1.0): Section Q values changed for five respondents.

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2004 HRS Core (Final Release, Version 1.0): Some values in Section Q changed for five respondents.

January 22, 2007

Due to an error in comment coding, some values in Section Q were erroneously changed for five respondents. Social Security amounts that were attributed to spouses were actually survivor benefits that should be attributed to the respondent. The following are data correction statements that should be applied to the 2004 Final Release Section Q data.

if hhid='073906' then do; JQ085=608; JQ084=.; JQ091=.; end;
if hhid='200842' then do; JQ085=1400; JQ084=.; JQ091=.; end;
if hhid='206823' then do; JQ085=3500; JQ084=.; JQ091=.; end;
if hhid='207210' then do; JQ085=579; JQ084=.; JQ091=.; end;
if hhid='207512' then do; JQ085=1500; JQ084=.; JQ091=.; end;

Please make these changes to your files.
