Related Data Product :
Three Replaced or New Data Files
1998 HRS Core (Final Release, Version 2.0)
October 2, 2003
Two data files, H98E_HP and H98D_H, and associated program statements have been replaced. One new data file and associated program statements, H98D_R, is also provided. A new codebook and a new data description incorporating the changes has been created.
In H98E_HP values are provided for 1,286 "off-grid" helper records that previously had null values for F2639A - HELPER RELATIONSHIP COMBINED SOURCE.
Five variables previously included in H98D_H are now included in a new file, H98D_R.
E2253 D157.FAM DECISION E2254 D157a.MORE SAY E2255 D157b.MORE SAY E2256 D158.TIME TOGETHER E2257 D159.FREE TIME