Detailed Comparison of Variables in Versions 1 and 2 of HRS 1998 Core

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HRS 1998 Final Core: Detailed Comparison of Variables in Version 1 and Version 2


The recently released HRS 1998 Final Core Data Release, Version 2, May 2003 contains some variables not included in the previous, version 1, release.

  • Certain variables that were previously included in the respondent-level coversheet file are now included in the household-level coversheet file.
  • Several open-ended questions were not coded during the initial round of coding; these variables were not included in version 1 of the HRS 1998 Final Core Data Release but are included in version 2.
               720        CS25b.FACILITY WHERE LIVE
               731        CS33.CURRENT RESIDENCE
               736        CS35.OTH RESIDENCE CITY/STATE
              1243        B19. OTHER HEALTH
              4023        GD1f. CAUSE PROB
              4054        GD12d.OCCUPATION
              4055        GD12e.INDUSTRY
              4318        GJ40.OCCUPATION
              4319        GJ41.INDUSTRY
              4359        GJ61.OCCUPATION
              4360        GJ62.INDUSTRY
              4394        GJ80.OCCUPATION
              4395        GJ81.INDUSTRY
              4408        GJ90.PREVIOUS WAVE WORK DONE
              4409        GJ91.INDUSTRY
  • Included in version 2 are three variables that were not included in version 1.
              1029        A26A.HAVE YOU ALWAYS LIVED AT RES
              1031        A26C.YEARS LIVED MAIN HU AREA
              1032        A26C.SINCE YEAR LIVE MAIN HU
  • Three variables were added or corrected which incorporate changes noted in data alerts for version 1.
              F11A        HHMEM REL TO IDFM - UPDATED - CORRECTED
              F1156A      B7. HEART CONDITION
              F987A       A3.R EDUCATION - COMBINED
  • Also added in version 2 are a number of variables that, while not of particular substantive interest, are used in assignment statements or are referenced in INAP text.

A complete list of variables not in Version 1 or not in Version 2 is available.

Please contact HRS Questions via Help Desk at our Web site or via e-mail to [email protected] if you have any questions.
