Corrections to Household-Member-and-Child-level Files
1995 AHEAD Core (Final Release, Version 2.0)
1998 HRS Core (Final Release, Version 2.0)
2000 HRS Core (Final Release, Version 1.0)
11/12/2002 (revised 11/15/2002; revised 01/09/2003; revised 05/27/2003)
There seems to have been a problem with about 176 cases (out of 15,000+ cases) in the 1995 Household-Member-and-Child-level file. These cases were preloaded as "professional" in 1995 even though they appear to have been reported as "in-laws/other relative" or "parent" in 1993. This information appears not to have been corrected by the 1995 interviewer and respondent.
We suggest if the 1995 variable, D10 HHMEM REL TO IDFM, has a value of 5, "professional", and the 1993 variable, V418 D5d. HHM REL TO FAMILY R, has a value of 5, "parent", or 6, "in-law/oth relative", that D10, the 1995 value, be changed to 4, "other relative", thus
IF D10 EQ 5 AND (V418 EQ 5 OR V418 EQ 6) THEN D10=4
In 1998 HRS Core (Final Release, Version 2.0) this problem has been fixed by adding an additional variable, F11A HHMEM REL TO IDFM - UPDATED - CORRECTED. This variable incorporates the changes noted below:
If the 1998 variable, F11 HHMEM REL TO IDFM - UPDATED has a value of 5, "professional" when the 1993 variable, V418 D5d. HHM REL TO FAMILY R, has a value of 5, "parent", or 6, "in-law/oth relative", F11A is created with a value of 10, "parent/parent-in-law", or 11, "other relative". Otherwise the values of F11 and F11A are the same.
IF F11 EQ 5 AND V418 EQ 5 THEN F11A=10 IF F11 EQ 5 AND V418 EQ 6 THEN F11A=11
And if the 2000 variable, G11 HHMEM REL TO IDFM - UPDATED, has a value of 5, "professional" when the 1993 variable, V418 D5d. HHM REL TO FAMILY R, has a value of 5, "parent", or 6, "in-law/oth relative", that G11 be changed to 10, "parent/parent-in-law", or 11, "other relative", thus
IF G11 EQ 5 AND V418 EQ 5 THEN G11=10 IF G11 EQ 5 AND V418 EQ 6 THEN G11=11
Several steps are necessary to merge the 1993 file, BOP21, with the 1995 file, A95PR_MC, and the 1998 file, H98PR_MC, and the 2000 file, H00PR_MC.
Change the IDs in the 1993 file to character variables. See example below for SAS or the 2000 data documentation for Stata or SPSS.
Change the 1993 PN to match the 1995 OPN: divide the 1993 PN by 10; if this value is greater than or equal to 12 or less than or equal to 39, add 100.
Sort the 1993 and 1995 files by HHID BSUBHH and OPN.
Merge the 1993 and 1995 files by HHID BSUBHH and OPN. The example below includes in the output file a record that appears in either (or both) input file.
There will be 15617 observations in the 1995 file, 17424 observations in the 1993 file, and 18051 observations in the combined output file. There will be 169 observations in the output file WHERE (d10=5) and is v418 in (5, 6)
A SAS setup to accomplish all this is included below. The steps would be analogous for Stata or SPSS.
To merge with the resulting file, da9593, with the 1998 file, use HHID DSUBHH and OPN to create da9893; to merge that file with the 2000 file, use HHID FSUBHH and OPN.
==================================================================================== SAS code for merging 1993 bop21 file with 1995 a95pr_mc file. libname in95 'V:\LIBRARY\1995ahd\Final\core\built\sas'; libname in93 'V:\LIBRARY\1993ahd\webpage\Data\Sas'; * change 1993 IDs to character and rename for merging; data da93; set in93.bop21(keep=v418 hhid bsubhh pn); * Change the IDs in the 1993 file to character variables; var1=PUT(HHID,Z6.0); ATTRIB var1 LABEL='HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER' LENGTH=$6 format=.; DROP HHID; RENAME var1=HHID; V2=PUT(bsubhh,Z1.0); ATTRIB V2 LABEL='1993 SUBHOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER' LENGTH=$1 format=.; DROP bSUBhh; RENAME V2=BSUBHH; * Change the 1993 PN to match the 1995 OPN; pn=pn/10; if pn ge 12 or pn le 39 then pn = pn + 100; drop pn; opn=put(pn,z3.0); run; * Sort the 1993 and 1995 files by HHID BSUBHH and OPN; proc sort data=da93; by hhid Bsubhh opn; run; proc sort data=in95.a95pr_mc out=da95(keep=hhid dsubhh bsubhh opn d10); by hhid bsubhh opn; run; * Merge the 1993 and 1995 files by HHID BSUBHH and OPN; data da9593; merge da95(in=b) da93(in=a); by hhid bsubhh opn; d93=a; d95=b; ATTRIB d93 LABEL='Report for HHMem/Child in 1993' d95 LABEL='Report for HHMem/Child in 1995'; run;