Correction to G1074A A3.R EDUCATION - COMBINED
2000 HRS Core (Final, Version 1.0)
For your convenience, because much of Section A was asked only of new respondents, past wave data were merged for previously interviewed respondents for a few variables. Among these variables, which have an "A" extension and appear in the codebook following the associated variable, is G1074A A3.R EDUCATION - COMBINED. Data from preload variable G229 PR229.PREV WAVE R EDUCATION YEARS was combined with data from G1074 A3.R EDUCATION to create G1074A.
However because of incomplete preload information, 691 AHEAD respondents previously interviewed in 1995 have an incorrect value for G1074A. All AHEAD respondents who, in 1995, had a value of 8 or 9 for D649 A3.R EDUCATION had, in error, a value of 0 for the 2000 preload variable G229.
We have re-released the file H00A_R.DA with a corrected value for G1074A. If you have previously downloaded the data, we suggest that you download the corrected data and replace G1074A with the new variable. Alternatively, if you have the education data from AHEAD 1995, you may correct the values of G1074A as described below. In either case, 463 cases will change from 0 to 8; 228 cases will change from 0 to 9. Frequencies for G1074A before and after correction are listed below.
Sample SAS code for making the correction using the values of D649 from 1995 is show below. You will want to provide equivalent statements if you are using another software package.
Distribution before correction Distribution after to correction A3.R EDUCATION - COMBINED A3.R EDUCATION - COMBINED Cumulative Cumulative G1074A Frequency Frequency G1074A Frequency Frequency ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ 0 901 901 0 210 210 1 58 959 1 58 268 2 86 1045 2 86 354 3 222 1267 3 222 576 4 188 1455 4 188 764 5 229 1684 5 229 993 6 379 2063 6 379 1372 7 367 2430 7 367 1739 8 671 3101 8 1134 2873 9 519 3620 9 747 3620 10 1105 4725 10 1105 4725 11 994 5719 11 994 5719 12 6566 12285 12 6566 12285 13 1299 13584 13 1299 13584 14 1711 15295 14 1711 15295 15 656 15951 15 656 15951 16 1757 17708 16 1757 17708 17 1835 19543 17 1835 19543 97 36 19579 97 36 19579 98 1 19580 98 1 19580 /* SAS correction statements for G1074A A3.R EDUCATION - COMBINED 2000 HRS Core (Final, Version 1.0) 09/25/2002 */ *******************************************************************; * subset data including HHID PN with D649A from 1995 and G1074A from 2000; data da95; set in95.A95a_r; keep hhid pn d649a; run; data da00; set in00.H00A_R; keep hhid pn g1074a; run; *******************************************************************; * sort each subset by hhid pn; proc sort data=da95; by hhid pn; run; proc sort data=da00; by hhid pn; run; *******************************************************************; * check frequencies prior to correction; proc freq data=da00; title 'Distribution before correction'; table g1074a / nocol norow nopercent missing; run; *******************************************************************; * merge using hhid pn; * output only cases in 2000 dataset; * reassign values for cases with value of 0 for g1074a and * value of 8 or 9 for d649a; data da; merge da95 da00(in=a); by hhid pn; if a; if g1074a eq 0 and d649a in (8 9) then g1074a=d649a; run; *******************************************************************; * check frequencies after correction; proc freq data=da; title 'Distribution after to correction'; table g1074a / nocol norow nopercent missing; run; *******************************************************************;