Detailed Comparison of Variables in Version 1 and Version 2
1995 AHEAD (Wave 2) Core Final V2.0
Version 1 of the 1995 AHEAD Core (Final) included all sections, but did not include "family"
variables from sections PR, CS, D and J and "helper" variables from section E. Version 2
includes all sections and all variables. Version 2 obsoletes previously released data in:
- 1995 AHEAD Core (Final) (v.1.0)
- 1995 AHEAD Core Helper (Early) (v.2.0)
- 1995 AHEAD Core Other Person (Early) (v.2.0)
Also in Version 2, CS variables with information provided by the coversheet respondent
previously released at a respondent level are released at a household level. Some
section N variables previously released at a household level are released at a
respondent level. All modules are released in one file. The EV variables may
be found in along with the section R variables. Variables from Module 1 and
Module 2 have been combined.
In addition, the variables included in Version 1 and Version 2 varied slightly.
Bracket components are only included in Version 2. Bracket summary variables and
continue variables are only included in Version 1. A detailed listing of variables
not included in each of the two versions of the 1995 AHEAD Core Final dataset
is available