Documentation of Person Numbers for 1992 and HRS 1994 Obsolete (1992)

Related Data Product : 

HRS 1994 [Wave 2] Public Release, Version 1.00
HRS 1992 [Wave 1] Public Release, Version 1.00

Documentation of Person Numbers for 1992 and 1994 Obsolete


The documentation for Person Number Codes for 1992 HRS (Final) (v.1.01) found in the file 02_MCODE.TXT and for 1994 HRS (Final) (v.1.0) found in the file 01_W2MAS.TXT is obsolete.

After 1994 a different Person Number scheme was instituted and the values of the PN variables in the 1992 and 1994 data files were retrofitted to be consistent with later year's data releases.
