Corrections to Religion Data (B050 and B052M)

Related Data Product : 

We have identified a series of coding errors that require data corrections to be made to variables B050 and B052M. The following data correction statements need to be applied to the 2016 Final Core Section B_R data.

Please make these changes to your files:

If HHID='541460'and PN='010' then do; PB050=7; end;
If HHID='544201'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='546113'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='543580'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=97; end;
If HHID='544449'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='545684'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=51; end;
If HHID='543795'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='540092'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=51; end;
If HHID='541451'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=51; end;
If HHID='502158'and PN='011' then do; PB050=7; end;
If HHID='544946'and PN='010' then do; PB050=7; end;
If HHID='544045'and PN='020' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='543281'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='543281'and PN='020' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='540673'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='540673'and PN='020' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='540284'and PN='020' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='544306'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='541156'and PN='020' then do; PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545361'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543594'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='544792'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='541774'and PN='020' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='541891'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='540479'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='540063'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='541453'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='544295'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='544781'and PN='010' then do; PB052M=41; end;
If HHID='544888'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='541773'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='541773'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='546465'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='546488'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='543540'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='546387'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='542008'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='540160'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='545273'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='545273'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='546309'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='543950'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='541213'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='545527'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='544483'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=1; end;
If HHID='540636'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544330'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544330'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544922'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544922'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540099'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540099'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544569'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544629'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545429'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544675'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546461'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546461'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546053'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542099'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546344'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543046'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545190'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545929'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545834'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545834'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543596'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545619'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541011'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544983'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541203'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541203'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545587'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545587'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546320'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543737'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544801'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541555'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540660'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544791'and PN='011' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541604'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542313'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542739'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541624'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540503'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544248'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540173'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544767'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543820'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543678'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543964'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542412'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543184'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543012'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541364'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541364'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541658'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544572'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541270'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542487'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541416'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543495'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545406'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540107'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545283'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544641'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541697'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545343'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541014'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540200'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546451'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542994'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542381'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541484'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542560'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543380'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540574'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540574'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541132'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='586408'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545722'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542274'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540697'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543082'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544590'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544590'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543031'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540489'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544781'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545194'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544116'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545835'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546250'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543244'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543244'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543229'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541815'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541815'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543023'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543641'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541497'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='543229'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='546310'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='541594'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='542219'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='545491'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='540537'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=11; end;
If HHID='544801'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='542235'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='544310'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='543542'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='545763'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='544323'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='542263'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='540908'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='546165'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='543799'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='543799'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='541416'and PN='011' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='541646'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='543456'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='542274'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='542423'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='542857'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=21; end;
If HHID='544139'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=51; end;
If HHID='540080'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='540080'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='542392'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='545812'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='543400'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='541412'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='545074'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='545074'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='542538'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='541801'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='543236'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='541524'and PN='010' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
If HHID='541524'and PN='020' then do; PB050=1;PB052M=61; end;
