Gateway Harmonized HRS

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The International Family of HRS Studies represents a growing network of longitudinal studies of aging around the world for which HRS is the model. The Gateway to Global Aging Data at the USC Program on Global Aging, Health, and Policy has developed user-friendly, harmonized versions of data from these studies in order to facilitate cross-national research. These harmonized data sets allow users to compare identically defined variables across countries. Using the RAND HRS Longitudinal File as a model, the USC team has developed the Harmonized HRS data file, which expands and supplements the RAND HRS Longitudinal data file.

Version D incorporates the latest released version of HRS and RAND HRS and includes the early version of Wave 15 data. It contains 42,406 observations or rows. It is a Respondent-level file so each row represents a unique Respondent. It also adds many new variables and makes adjustments and corrections.

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Latest Release
Aug 2023 (Version D)
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