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RAND HRS CAMS Data File 2021 (Version 1.0)

The RAND HRS CAMS Data File 2021 is a user-friendly version of Part B of the CAMS survey. It contains annualized, cleaned, and aggregated spending and consumption variables with consistent and intuitive naming conventions across waves. Specifically, total household spending and household consumption are calculated across all categories and for these subsets of spending: nondurables, durables, housing and transportation. These data can be easily merged to the RAND HRS and other HRS files as described in the data codebook.

As of 2024, eleven waves of CAMS data have been released by HRS. The RAND CAMS data are based on 2001 (V3), 2003 (V2), 2005 (V1), 2007 (V1), 2009 (V1), 2011 (V2), 2013
(V2), 2015 (V1), 2017 (V1), 2019 (V1), and 2021 (V1) final data releases.

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) provided funding and support for the development of this file.

For more information, please visit the RAND Center for the Study of Aging website.

Questions regarding RAND HRS files should be directed to randhrshelp@rand.org.

Product Details

Latest Release
Jun 2024 (V1)
Entry Cohort Info

HRS: R born 1931-1941;
AHEAD: R born 1923 or earlier;
CODA (Children of Depression): R born 1924-1930;
WB (War Baby): R born 1942-1947;
EBB (Early Boomers): R born 1948-1953;
MBB (Mid Boomers): R born 1954-1959;
LBB (Late Boomers): R born 1960-65

Longitudinal Reference


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