RAND HRS Exit/Post-Exit Interview and Finder Files 2020

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The RAND HRS Exit/Post-Exit Interview data files merge all the raw variables from each Respondent-level questionnaire section to create a single Respondent-level dataset for each wave. The files include all Respondents from both the Exit and Post-Exit Interviews. However, the same person never has both an Exit Interview and a Post-Exit Interview in the same year, so the file does not contain multiple occurrences of the same person. To facilitate combining information from Exit and Post-Exit Interviews, we have also created the RAND HRS Exit/Post-Exit Finder File. This file makes it easier to identify which survey years the Exit and Post-Exit Interviews occurred. READMEs for these two files are available for download below.

The RAND HRS Exit/Post-Exit Interview and Finder Files can easily be merged with other RAND HRS data products, as well as those released separately by HRS. There is a single Exit File for each year of HRS starting in 1994, which contains all the "raw" or original variables, merged to the Respondent level.

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) provided funding for the development of these files. SSA's Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics provided important research direction in the design of these data files.

For more information, please visit the RAND Center for the Study of Aging website.

Questions regarding RAND HRS files should be directed to [email protected].

Product Details

Latest Release
May 2024 (V1)
Entry Cohort Info

HRS: R born 1931-1941;
AHEAD: R born 1923 or earlier;
CODA (Children of Depression): R born 1924-1930;
WB (War Baby): R born 1942-1947;
EBB (Early Boomers): R born 1948-1953;
MBB (Mid Boomers): R born 1954-1959
LBB (Late Boomers): R born 1960-65

Longitudinal Reference

1994-2020 (Final)

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