SSGAC Polygenic Index (PGI) Repository

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Note: This researcher contribution consists of a SAS file (.sas7bdat), a text file (.txt), and related documentation. The data contain the polygenic index for phenotypes described in Becker et al. (2021), for European-ancestry HRS respondents who provided salivary DNA between 2006 and 2012. Additional methodology is available in the documentation.

Contributed projects based on HRS public data are provided by researchers who want to share their work with the research community. Researchers interested in contributing their own products are invited to contact us at [email protected]. HRS does not produce or support these products and is not responsible for their content or use. They are provided here as a service to the research community.


Becker, J., Burik, C.A.P., Goldman, G., Wang, N., Jayashankar, H., Bennett, M., Belsky, D.W., Karlsson Linnér, R., Ahlskog, R., Kleinman, A., Hinds, D.A., 23andMe Research Group, Caspi, A., Corcoran, D.L., Moffitt, T.E., Poulton, R., Sugden, K., Williams, B.S., Harris, K.M., Steptoe, A., Ajnakina, O., Milani, L., Esko, T., Iacono, W.G., McGue, T., Magnusson, P.K.E., Mallard, T.T., Harden, K.P., Tucker-Drob, E.M., Herd, P., Freese, J., Young, A., Beauchamp, J.P., Koellinger, P.D., Oskarsson, S., Johannesson, M., Visscher, P.M., Meyer, M.N., Laibson, D., Cesarini, D., Benjamin, D.J., Turley, P., and Okbay, A. (2021). Resource Profile and User Guide of the Polygenic Index Repository. Nature Human Behaviour. Published online June 17. doi:10.1038/s41562-021-01119-3.

Product Details

Latest Release
Sep 2021 (Ver 1.0)
Datasets Used

Genotype Data Version 1 (2008-2012 samples)

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