Section D. Concepts of Merging

Related Data Product : 

HRS Wave 1 [1992] Public Release Data Description, V1.00

Section D. Concepts of Merging


Some inconsistencies have been pointed out in the data for the merging example provided. These errors should not detract too significantly from the usefulness of the sample data.

V111, "Respondent Type" for the adults Maria and Sally should always appear as "2" since they are secondary respondents. It appears as "1" on page 37.

V112, "Sample E Respondent?" for the adult Sally should always appear as "1", as she is the Section E Respondent for her household. It appears in err as "2" on page 37.

V201, "1st Child's Relation to Section E Respondent" for the child Ty should appear as "2" in all places. It appears as "3" on page 38.
