This data set contains imputations for Don't Know, Refused, and Missing responses for key pension related variables from the HRS interview years 1992 through 2002. The imputed variables are from 1992 employment sections F, G, and H; FA, FB, FC, G, and H of 1994; G, GG, and GH of 1996, 1998, 2000; J, K, and L of 2002.
This dataset updates and replaces the Researcher Contribution of the same name released in February 2003.
Product Details
Latest Release |
Jun 2005
(Ver 1.0)
N | 1992: 12652; 1994: 11596; 1996: 10964; 1998: 21384; 2000: 19580; 2002: 18167 |
Entry Cohort Info | HRS; |
Longitudinal Reference | HRS: 1992-1996, HRS and War Baby: 1998-2002 |
Data Alerts |
No data alerts found for this product. |
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