RDA Application (Traditional License)


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Submit the form below to apply for a Restricted Data Agreement (RDA) to access HRS Restricted Data through a Traditional License.

The application can not be saved before submitting, so make sure you have the following information and documentation before you begin:

  • Project title and research abstract
  • A short description of each of the following:
    • The HRS Restricted data products and variables you intend to use in your research, including planned data analyses
    • Why the public data are not adequate for your research purposes
    • How the results you plan to export or publish will comply with the requirements of disclosure limitation review
  • Proof of current U.S. federal funding held by the Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigator must hold a PI-eligible position within the receiving institution.
  • Information on the study team. All study team members must have a formal affiliation with the receiving institution. Include the following information:
    • name
    • role on project
    • business address, email, and phone number
    • current CV, in .pdf format
    • indicate if the team member requires access to the data
  • A completed Data Protection Plan, in .pdf format.
  • Obtain from your institution:
    • Institutional Federalwide Assurance (FWA) Number
    • Institutional Policies on data confidentiality, in .pdf format
    • Documentation of Full Board or Expedited IRB review and approval of your research plan, in .pdf format

After the application is submitted, all team members will be asked to create an account on this website and submit the HRS Disclosure Limitation Review Policy Agreement form.

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